İtalians do it better

This post is for signal this artist (codename AliCe’) who is very very interesting: first of all because is a very talented illustrator and painter, second because she is italian (and in this crisis period be proud to be italian is not so common for me). This is her biography, directly from her website:

AliCè: Alice Pasquini, principally a visual artist, works as an illustrator,
set designer and painter.
Based in Rome, she has lived and worked in U.K., France and Spain.
AliCè has travelled the world bringing her art to the streets of many 
She has collaborated on illustration, graphic and design projects, including 
the graphic novel “Vertigine ed Rizzoli”
“I create art about people and their relationships, I’m interested in 
representing human feelings and exploring different points of view.
I especially like to depict strong and independant women”
AliCè’s work is usually carried out in colour spray paint and acrylics, 
or for illustration inks on paper and photoshop.

Now you know her a bit more, so let the illustration speak for her. Reach the gallery clicking HERE.

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