Another sentence on the wall…

Is just a sentence on the wall, or is art? now you can choice! i love this kind of stuff that want to teach us how easy is to make arts (nice one!) and at the same time have fun of itself. The works were made by Mobstr (an artist that i don’t know). You can reach it’s works clicking HERE.

E’ solo una scritta sul muro, o è arte? adesso puoi scegliere!! Amo alla follia questo genere di cose che ti insegnano quanto sia facile fare qualcosa di artistico (rimanendo comunque bello!) e che allo stesso tempo si prendo in giro con ironia. I lavori che vedrete sono stati fatti da un certo Mobstr (un’artista che non avevo mai sentito nomiare prima). Potete raggiungere la gallery cliccando QUI.

”Liberty is what make arts unique”

Ai Weiwei (click on the name for his Wikipedia’s page) is a great artist. I’m saying that not because i’m an art expert or because everyone (more or less) say it. Is because he have the power to make something incredible complicated giving to it a very easy meaning. Of course not so direct, but when it’s discovered, you can see it clearly! (this last sentence looks very stupid, but if you know a bit art and its thousand expression’s ways you can understand) I watched this video on YouTube and i fell in love with his ideas and his way to see the life. If you are curious and have a bit of time, please check it and let me know what you think about him.

Not ordinary fishes…

Look at the picture….what you see? If your answer is “fishes” your are right, but not at all. In fact those are not real fish cause they are painted! The artist who made its is Riusuke Fukahori, from Japan. The fish are not painted on a unique surface, but he used some layer and the poured resin for created this amazing 3D effect. So realist, right? Before see the gallery (that you can reach clicking HERE) watch the video below, the making of….ENJOY!!!